Life and God

A young man was looking for a wise man who could help to find answers to his question about life and God. He met lots of people, but neither of them could answer him. One day, he met a Muslim scientist and asked him these questions: The first question was: Is there God? And if there … Read more

Fear of Death

One day a young man asked his Master, “I fear death. How can I get rid of this fear?” “Tell me,” the old man answered, “When you borrow a few coins, are you afraid to give them later back?” “Of course not,” the student answered with surprise, “but what does this have to do with … Read more


The sage, after travelling a half of his life and being an advisor of the king, has retired and prayed, preparing to stand before God. But still he communicated with students, who were allowed to ask him the trickiest questions. So, he was asked: — Why the Creator does not let people make a paradise … Read more


Once a student came to a wise sage and asked: — What else do people lack to make the world better? — They lack things that they do not ask about, — he answered. And, seeing the perplexity of a person who asked the question, explained: — What people ask God for? Happiness, wealth, love, … Read more


A grey bearded old man and a young man were observing the blooming of a lotus, sitting on a shore of a silent pond, when a young man interrupted the silence. “Master, why the meaning of life is hidden from us? We meditate trying to understand the logic of things happening around us, we see … Read more


Five wise men got lost in the forest. The first one said: – I will go the left – my intuition tells me that. The second one said: – I will go the right – because “the right” comes from the word “rightness”. The third one said: – I will go back – we came … Read more


Once there lived a king, he had everything he wished for, but one fine day three questions came across his mind. The questions were: 1. What is the most important time ? 2. Who is the most important person ? 3. What is the most important thing to do ? He became pretty restless and … Read more

कॉलेज का प्यार

एक बार एक लडके को अपने ही कॉलेज कि एक लडकी से प्यार हो जाता है । लडके ने लडकी को दोस्त बनाया पर अपने प्यार का इजहार नहीं करा । क्योँकी वो डरता था कि कहीँ लडकी ने मना कर दिया तो दोस्ती भी टुट जाऐगी और वो ऊससे कभी बात तक नही करेगी … Read more


पिताजी के अचानक आ धमकने से पत्नी तमतमा उठी ———————————————– लगता है, बूढ़े को पैसों की ज़रूरत आ पड़ी है, वर्ना यहाँ कौन आने वाला था… अपने पेट का गड्ढ़ा भरता नहीं, घरवालों का कहाँ से भरोगे ? मैं नज़रें बचाकदूसरी ओर देखने लगा। पिताजी नल पर हाथ-मुँह धोकर सफ़र,, की थकान दूर कर रहे … Read more

असली दौलत

अखबार बेचने वाला 10 वर्षीय बालक एक मकान का गेट बजा रहा है। मालकिन – बाहर आकर पूछी क्या है ? बालक – आंटी जी क्या मैं आपका गार्डेन साफ कर दूं ? मालकिन – नहीं, हमें नहीं करवाना है, और आज अखबार नही लाया । बालक – हाथ जोड़ते हुए दयनीय स्वर में.. “प्लीज … Read more