Kahani – Neend Kharab Kyun Ki?

बेटे के जन्मदिन पर ….. रात के 1:30 बजे फोन आता है, बेटा फोन उठाता है तो माँ बोलती है:- “जन्म दिन मुबारक लल्ला” बेटा गुस्सा हो जाता है और माँ से कहता है: – सुबह फोन करती। इतनी रात को नींद खराब क्यों की? कह कर फोन रख देता है। थोडी देर बाद पिता … Read more

kahani – लड्डू गोपाल की मूर्ति

हर समय माला लेकर बैठे रहते हो । कुछ पैसे धेले का इंतजाम करो लड़की के लिए लड़का नहीं देखना । निर्मला ने रोज की तरह सुबह से ही बड़बड़ाना शुरु कर दिया। ईश्वर पर विश्वास रखो , समय पर सब हो जाएगा । चौबे जी ने अपना गमछा संभालते हुए कहा । ईश्वर तो … Read more

Kahani – Maa Baap ki Seva

शाम को दफ़्तर से घर आते समय देखा कि एक छोटा-सा बोर्ड रेहड़ी की छत से लटक रहा था जिस पर मार्कर से लिखा हुआ था: घर मे कोई नही है, मेरी बूढ़ी माँ बीमार है, मुझे थोड़ी-थोड़ी देर में उन्हें खाना, दवा और हाजत कराने के लिए घर जाना पड़ता है, अगर आपको जल्दी … Read more

Kahani – Maa

एक वृद्ध माँ रात को 11:30 बजे रसोई में बर्तन साफ कर रही है, घर में दो बहुएँ हैं, जो बर्तनों की आवाज से परेशान होकर अपने पतियों को सास को उल्हाना देने को कहती हैं। वो कहती है आपकी माँ को मना करो इतनी रात को बर्तन धोने के लिये हमारी नींद खराब होती … Read more

Relationship Story – Rich

When James was a college student, he had admired a lovely sports car in one dealer‘s showroom for a long time. He knew that his parents could afford it and told them, that this car is all that he wanted as a gift in a day of his graduation. Graduation day came and father had … Read more

Precious Possession

A little girl was decorating a box with a gold wrapping paper to put it under the Christmas tree. Money was tight, so the girl’s father punished her for wasting almost full roll of that expensive paper. However, the next morning the girl brought the gift to her father. “This is for you, Daddy”  she … Read more

Blame Game

Two families lived nearby. One family had constant quarrels and the other one lived quietly and friendly. One day, feeling jealous about nice atmosphere flourished in the neighboring family, wife told her husband: – Go to the neighbors and look what they are doing for such well-being. The husband came, hid and started watching. He … Read more

Don‘t hope, Decide!

I was waiting to pick up a friend at the airport. That day I had one of those experiences that change people‘s lives. It happened just two feet away from me. I noticed a man, carrying two bags, coming toward me. He stopped next to me to greet his family. First of all he laid … Read more

Real love

Parents had a son, who was diligent and hard-working. When the son grew up, his father found him a rich bride. – Dear parents, I don’t need your bride, – the son disagreed. – She’s grumpy and doesn’t know how to do anything. I fell in love with a hard-working and cheerful girl and I … Read more

Perfect Gift

A husband and wife have been living together for 30 years. On the 30th anniversary of their marriage the wife, as usual, has baked the bun – she baked it every morning, it was a tradition. During the breakfast she cut it across, buttered both sides, and, as usual, gave the top to the husband, … Read more